Last Modified
2015-10-03 10:22:32 -0500



Basic header of mruby. It includes mrbconf.h, mruby/value.h, mruby/version.h internally.

mrb_state management


mrb_state* mrb_open();

Creates new mrb_state.


typedef void* (*mrb_allocf) (struct mrb_state *mrb, void *ptr, size_t s, void *ud);

Function pointer type of custom allocator used in mrb_open_allocf.

The function pointing it must behave similarly as realloc except: * If ptr is NULL it must allocate new space. * If s is NULL, ptr must be freed.


mrb_state* mrb_open_allocf(mrb_allocf f, void *ud);

Create new mrb_state with custom allocator. ud will be passed to custom allocator f. If user data isn’t required just pass NULL. Function pointer f must satisfy requirements of its type.


void mrb_close(mrb_state *mrb);

Deletes mrb_state.



int mrb_get_args(mrb_state *mrb, const char *format, ...);

Retrieve arguments from mrb_state. When applicable, implicit conversions (such as to_str, to_ary, to_hash) are applied to received arguments. Use it inside a function pointed by mrb_func_t. It returns the number of arguments retrieved. format is a list of following format specifiers:

char|mruby type|retrieve types|note :—:|———-|————–|— o|Object|mrb_value|Could be used to retrieve any type of argument C|Class/Module|mrb_value| S|String|mrb_value|when ! follows, the value may be nil A|Array|mrb_value|when ! follows, the value may be nil H|Hash|mrb_value|when ! follows, the value may be nil s|String|char*, mrb_int|Receive two arguments; s! gives (NULL,0) for nil z|String|char*|NUL terminated string; z! gives NULL for nil a|Array|mrb_value*, mrb_int|Receive two arguments; a! gives (NULL,0) for nil f|Float|mrb_float| i|Integer|mrb_int| b|boolean|mrb_bool| n|Symbol|mrb_sym| &|block|mrb_value| *|rest arguments|mrb_value*, mrb_int|Receive the rest of arguments as an array. ||optional||After this spec following specs would be optional. ?|optional given|mrb_bool|True if preceding argument is given. Used to check optional argument is given.

The passing variadic arguments must be a pointer of retrieving type.


MRB_API struct RClass *mrb_define_class(mrb_state *, const char*, struct RClass*);

Defines a new class. If you’re creating a gem it may look something like this:

void mrb_example_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb) {
    struct RClass *example_class;
    example_class = mrb_define_class(mrb, "Example_Class", mrb->object_class);

void mrb_example_gem_final(mrb_state* mrb) {


MRB_API void mrb_define_method(mrb_state*, struct RClass*, const char*, mrb_func_t, mrb_aspec);

Defines a global function in ruby. If you’re creating a gem it may look something like this:

mrb_value example_method(mrb_state* mrb, mrb_value self){
        puts("Executing example command!");
        return self;

void mrb_example_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb) {
  mrb_define_method(mrb, mrb->kernel_module, "example_method", example_method, MRB_ARGS_NONE());  

void mrb_example_gem_final(mrb_state* mrb) {

Or maybe you want to create a class method for a class? It might look something like this:

mrb_value example_method(mrb_state* mrb, mrb_value self){
        puts("Examples are like pizza...");
        return self;

void mrb_example_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb) {
    struct RClass *example_class;
    example_class = mrb_define_class(mrb, "Example_Class", mrb->object_class);
    mrb_define_method(mrb, example_class, "example_method", example_method, MRB_ARGS_NONE());

void mrb_example_gem_final(mrb_state* mrb) {


MRB_API struct RClass *mrb_define_module(mrb_state *, const char*);

Defines a module. If you’re creating a gem it may look something like this:

mrb_value example_method(mrb_state* mrb, mrb_value self){
        puts("Examples are like tacos...");
        return self;

void mrb_example_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb) {
    struct RClass *example_module;
    example_module = mrb_define_module(mrb, "Example_Module");

void mrb_example_gem_final(mrb_state* mrb) {


MRB_API void mrb_define_module_function(mrb_state*, struct RClass*, const char*, mrb_func_t, mrb_aspec);

Defines a module function. If you’re creating a gem it may look something like this:

mrb_value example_method(mrb_state* mrb, mrb_value self){
        puts("Examples are like hot wings...");
        return self;

void mrb_example_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb) {
    struct RClass *example_module;
    example_module = mrb_define_module(mrb, "Example_Module");
    mrb_define_module_function(mrb, example_module, "example_method", example_method, MRB_ARGS_NONE());

void mrb_example_gem_final(mrb_state* mrb) {


MRB_API void mrb_define_const(mrb_state*, struct RClass*, const char *name, mrb_value);

Defines a constant. If you’re creating a gem it may look something like this:

mrb_value example_method(mrb_state* mrb, mrb_value self){
        puts("Examples are like hot wings...");
        return self;

void mrb_example_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb) {
    mrb_define_const(mrb, mrb->kernel_module, "EXAPMLE_CONSTANT", mrb_fixnum_value(0x00000001));

void mrb_example_gem_final(mrb_state* mrb) {


MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb_state*, const char*);

Turns a C string into a Ruby string value.

mrb_value mrb_funcall

MRB_API mrb_value mrb_funcall(mrb_state*, mrb_value, const char*, mrb_int,...);

Call existing ruby functions.

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